I just thought I pop on and share some new resources I have discovered and a few of the things I am currently working on for next quarter.

First up, you simply must check out these beautiful illustrations from Sweet Publishing!  I have been downloading and printing like crazy.  These are just awesome and completely free!


You can find illustrations for the entire Bible divided by book at Distant Shores Media.

Another website/blog you simply must visit is Hands On Bible Teacher!  She has so many wonderful ideas!  You will  find a workshop video and lots of teaching aids and visual aids that you make yourself.  She even has a few things that she has put together available for sale.  One idea I am using from this website is an Explorer Journal.  I have 2nd through 6th graders in my class and this seemed perfect for them.  Not too simplified and not too difficult.  I am hoping it will engage them in our lessons and help them remember all about Jesus.  Our quarter begins in January and it will be my first time to use Explorer Journals.  I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes.  Anyway the concept of an Explorer Journal is something like a scrapbook.  I am using a three-ring binder.  We have worksheets that we will put together and slowly fill our journals throughout the quarter.  Some of the pages are a simple paste together followed by pages with questions for the kids to answer.  One could also use word finds, crosswords, etc.  I am hoping the written exercises combined with the visuals will aid in learning and be fun for the kids!  One of these days, I’ll take some pictures of my book and share them.

In the meantime, visit Bible Fun For Kids and you will find many ideas and things that can be used in your own Explorer Journals and/or lap books.  Debbie Jackson provides lots of links and free downloads.  I used a number of her ideas and pages in my Explorer Journal.  Some things were perfectly suited to our study of Jesus Christ.  Of course, we will have a quarter dedicated to parables and one to miracles so our study is going to be a little different plus I wanted to tailor our Journals to go along with our flashcards.  Because of this I had to get a little creative.  There all kinds of websites and ideas out there.  I found that it wasn’t too difficult once my creative juices were flowing.  Ms. Jackson also uses the illustrations from Sweet Publishing and she basically gives you her full lesson plan with illustrations and worksheets, etc.  I found both her website and Hands on Bible Teacher to be truly inspiring!  I simply cannot wait for the new quarter to begin!!!